Town beside
the Sea of Galilee that was a center for Jesus' ministry in Galilee.
Synagogue at Capernaum
3rd cent. A.D. |
was a town on the northwestern shore of the Sea
of Galilee. Although Jesus
was raised in Nazareth
in the hill country, he made Capernaum the center
for his ministry in Galilee.
Jesus taught in the synagogue at Capernaum, performed
exorcisms, and healed Peter's mother-in-law (Mark
1:21-31). He also healed a paralytic and the slave
of a royal official there (Mark 2:1-12; Luke 7:1-10).
In time Jesus was apparently rejected in Capernaum
(John 6: 52-59) and later pronounced judgment
against the town (Matt 11:23-24; Luke 10:15)