Prophet who condemned Judah's infidelity to God, warned of Babylonian
conquest, and promised a new covenant.
Jeremiah broke a pot
to warn of destruction
Jeremiah was a prophet
of the seventh century B.C. who came from Anathoth, a town a short distance
from Jerusalem. Most of his prophetic career was
spent in the vicinity of Jerusalem. Jeremiah began to prophesy in the
reign of King Josiah of Judah. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet while
he was still a youth. As a sign that there would be no cause for celebration
in Judah, God commanded him not to marry. Jeremiah spoke against those
who thought that Temple worship protected them from the consequences of
sin. He was repeatedly arrested and King Jehoiakim had his prophecies
burned, but Jeremiah's scribe Baruch produced a new copy. Jeremiah remained
near Jerusalem while the Babylonians captured the city, but later his
friends took him to Egypt where he spent
the remainder of his life.
1:1-10 - Jeremiah's call
Jer 7:1-34
- Sermon against the Temple
Jer 16:1-4
- Jeremiah not to marry
Jer 36:1-32
- Jeremiah's burned scroll
Jer 43:1-7
- Jeremiah taken to Egypt