Son born
to Abraham and Sarah in fulfillment of God's promise.
God told Abraham to sacrifice
Isaac--then spared him
Isaac was the promised
son born to Abraham and Sarah
in their old age. The name Isaac means "he laughs."
Isaac's older half-brother was Ishmael, son
of Abraham and Hagar. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but at
the last moment told him to offer a ram instead. Later, Abraham sent a
servant to Haran, the place that he had left many years before, to find
a wife for Isaac. The servant met Rebekah beside a well and brought her to Canaan to be Isaac's
wife. Isaac and Rebekah were the parents of twin sons: Esau
the elder son, and Jacob the younger son. Isaac favored Esau but Rebekah favored
Jacob. In Isaac's old age Rebekah and Jacob tricked him into blessing
Jacob, the younger son, rather than Esau, the elder son.
21:1-7 - Isaac's birth
Gen 22:1-19
- Near sacrifice of Isaac
Gen 27:1-40
- Isaac blesses Jacob