
Son of Isaac and Rebekah and the older twin brother of Jacob. 


Esau was a hunter and a man of the field

Esau was the eldest son of Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob's older twin brother.  As firstborn Esau had a birthright to a double share of inheritance, but he sold this birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew.  Esau was a skillful hunter and Isaac's favorite son.  When Isaac was near death he asked Esau to bring him a meal of wild game and then Isaac would bless him.  While Esau hunted, Jacob disguised himself as Esau, brought food, and received a blessing.  Esau was angry and Jacob departed to live with his uncle Laban.  When Jacob returned, many years later, the two brothers were reconciled.

Gen 25:29-34 - Sells his birthright
Gen 27:1-40 - Tricked out of his blessing
Gen 33:1-11 - Reconciled with Jacob

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