The name
of the first woman, wife of Adam. |
said you shall not
eat from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil.
cent. mosaic
from Caesarea
God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. A serpent enticed
Eve to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil by telling
Eve that she would become like God, knowing good and evil. After eating,
she gave some of the fruit to her husband Adam who also ate it. Because
of her disobedience God said that Eve's pain in childbearing would increase.
To prevent Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of life so that they would
live forever, God drove them out of the garden of Eden. Eve was the mother
of Cain and Abel.
Gen 2:21-25
- Creation of Eve
Gen 3:1-24
- Eve, the serpent, and sin