Damascus is located in an oasis in
Syria. An important trade route known as the King's Highway went from Damascus
south through Moab and Edom to the Gulf of Aqabah.
In Old Testament
times Damascus was the capital of Syria or Aram. The king of Damascus
was an opponent of Solomon (1 Kings
11:23-25). In the Syro-Ephraimitic war, the kings of Damascus and Israel
tried unsuccessfully to pressure king Ahaz of Judah into joining them in rebellion against Assyria. Isaiah told the king to resist them for they would
be defeated (Isa 7:8). On that occasion Isaiah said that a young woman
would bear a son called Immanuel, which means "God with us"
(Isa 7:14). The Assyrians conquered Damascus in 732 B.C.
In the New Testament,
Paul was traveling to Damascus to persecute
the Christians there when the risen Christ appeared to him on the road.
Paul was blinded and taken to Damascus, where a Christian named Ananias
healed him. Because of local opposition, Paul later escaped from Damascus
by being let down over the wall in a basket (Acts 9).