Roman governor who condemned Jesus to
Inscription from
Caesarea with
Pilate's name
Pontius Pilate was
governor of Judea from A.D. 26-36. Like
other provincial governors, Pilate was appointed by the Roman emperor.
He normally resided in Caesarea along the Mediterranean coast but came to Jerusalem
on important occasions. The brutality of his administration is reflected
in the reference to Pilate slaughtering some Galileans who were going
to offer sacrifices in Jerusalem (Luke 13:1). The trial and execution
of Jesus took place during the middle years of
Pilate's governorship. The Jewish authorities apparently brought Jesus
to Pilate because the Romans reserved the right to sentence someone to
death by crucifixion. Although Jesus was charged with threatening Roman
domination of Palestine, Pilate is said to have recognized that Jesus
was innocent. Nevertheless, Pilate had Jesus beaten and later handed him
over to be crucified.
27:11-26 - Trial of Jesus
15:1-15 - Trial of Jesus
23:1-25 - Trial of Jesus
18:28--19:22 - Trial of Jesus