Letter in
which Paul speaks of the integrity of his ministry and the day when
Christians will meet the Lord "in the air."
Coast near the harbor of Thessalonica
1 Thessalonians was
written by Paul for the church in Thessalonica.
The first part of the letter gives thanks for the way the Thessalonians
turned from idols to God when Paul had preached the gospel and recalls
how Paul labored blamelessly among them (1-3). In the second part of the
letter (4-5) Paul urges them to holy living and assures them that those
who die in Christ have the hope of being raised again when Christ returns.
Paul concludes by exhorting them to watch for the Day of the Lord, which
will come like a thief in the night, and to abstain from evil.
1 Thess 1:1-10
- Joy in faith
1 Thess
4:13-18 - Resurrection hope