A long letter
in which Paul presents the gospel as the power of God for salvation,
stressing the universality of sin and God's gracious act of redemption
for all, Jew and Greek.
Forum at Rome
Romans is a letter Paul
sent to the Christians at Rome. Paul
had neither founded nor visited this congregation, but sent the letter to
present them with his gospel in the hope that he would one day visit them
before embarking on a mission to Spain. The theme of Romans is that the
gospel is the power of God for salvation for both Jews and gentiles (1:16-17).
Paul shows that sin is a universal human condition (1-3) and that people
must live by faith, as Abraham
had done. Although God's people suffer in this world, Paul assures them
that the Spirit intercedes for them with sighs too deep for words (8:26).
Paul recognizes that many Jews did not come to faith in Christ, but he argues
that their unbelief has served to bring the gospel to gentiles, and he has
hope that God will one day have mercy upon all (9-11). The final section
of the letter exhorts Christians to present their bodies as living sacrifices,
remaining obedient to the governing authorities and bearing with weaker
members of their community (12-16).
1:16-17 - Power of the gospel
Rom 3:21-31
- Justification by faith
Rom 8:18-39
- Future hope
Rom 12:1-21
- Shape of Christian life