A letter
dealing with the Christian's relationship to the Jewish law and
fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians was written
by Paul to congregations he had
founded in the region of Galatia in central Asia Minor. After Paul had
left the area, some Jewish Christian evangelists appeared and insisted
that gentile Christians needed to become circumcised according to the
Jewish law. Paul opposed this, recalling how in his own life he moved
from zeal for the Torah to zeal for Christ, and reminding them of a conference
in Jerusalem at which the apostles agreed
that circumcision was not necessary for gentile converts (1-2). Paul insisted
that since people are justified by faith in Christ rather than by the
Torah, they live by faith in Christ rather than the Torah (2:15-21). In
chaps. 3-4 he argues that Christ rather than the Torah is the means by
which people become heirs of God's promises. In chaps. 5-6 he insists
that life in Christ is expressed by faith working through love. Christian
life is marked not by the sinful works of the flesh, but by the fruit
of the Spirit that includes love, joy, peace, and patience.
2:15-21 - Justification by faith and living by faith
Gal 3:27-29
- Unity in Christ
Gal 5:22-26
- Fruit of the Spirit