A letter
instructing Christians to be doers of the word and not merely hearers.
Hearing without acting is like seeing one's image in a mirror and
turning away
(Jas 1:23-24)
The book of James
presents a series of teachings that urge Christians to "be doers
of the word, and not merely hearers" (1:22). True religion entails
the care of orphans and widows, and keeping oneself unstained from the
world (1:27). Faith by itself, without works, is dead (2:17). The last
half of the book warns against sins of speech and greed (3-5). The author
is traditionally associated with James,
the brother of the Lord who was a leader in the early church (cf. Mark
6:3; Acts 15:13-21).
1:22-27 - Doers of the word
Jas 2:14-26
- Faith without works